無限極 | 健康食品資訊網
“無限極”品牌,專注於中草藥健康產品的研發、生產、銷售和服務...無限極(中國)有限公司﹝簡稱「無限極(中國)」﹞是李錦記健康產品集團旗下成員,成立於1992年,總部 ...
Corporate culture is Lee Kum Kee’s unique strength. In addition to “Si Li Ji Ren”, “Constant Entrepreneurship” drives Lee Kum Kee Group to seize business opportunities with the “6677” philosophy (seizing opportunities with 60%-70% confidence), defy any limitations, and constantly breakthrough and innovate.
After more than 20 years of continuous practice and refinement, the “Autopilot Leadership Model” has played a significant role in the company’s rapid development, creating an environment where employees can unleash their potential and attain happiness from work. At the same time, it lays the foundation for attracting talent and ensuring business sustainability.
Lee Kum Kee has been upholding “mutual trust” as our guiding principle to foster long-term high-trust relationship with all stakeholders, aspiring to be “the most trusted enterprise.” As we forge ahead, Lee Kum Kee Group will...
無限極台灣 | 健康食品資訊網
李錦記集團 | 健康食品資訊網
無限極 | 健康食品資訊網
無限極國際有限公司 | 健康食品資訊網
無限極台灣Infinitus Taiwan | 健康食品資訊網
無限極香港 | 健康食品資訊網
無限極國際有限公司 | 健康食品資訊網