兒茶素 | 健康食品資訊網
生物發酵及酵素系列原料·益生菌原料·藻類原料·菇蕈類原料·植物萃取系列原料...日本專利兒茶素(ORAC-11742).Teapolyphenolsarethemostabundantsoluble ...
Tea polyphenols are the most abundant soluble substances, accounting for 30% of the dry weight of tea, which is a major part of catechins. Tea catechins are a mixture of tea is bitter, astringent main source, but also one of the important factors decide the merits of the quality of tea. More content in tea catechins have six kinds, of which the highest content and is unique in tea catechins is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG Research on the physiological effects of catechins, mainly focused on EGCG. According to a report published at home and abroad, confirmed catechins and their oxidation polymer has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-cell mutation, strengthens capillary activity, increased vitamin intake, lower blood cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein protein, pr...
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